Applied Biblical Psychology

Target Audience

The Applied Biblical Psychology is a great value for any believer, but specifically appropriate for those who want to minister / counsel in a non-professional setting and want to increase the tools they have available to use with others in various life difficulties.

Starting Point

Rhombus uses Biblical Truth as the foundation to study humans with the goal of equipping them with tools for healthy living. We use a method of looking at each topic from many angles which builds a broader context for understanding and application.

How this Works

Scripture is the foundation for truth and psychology is broadly defined as the study of humans. There is information that makes an impact in healthy living and we want all people to have access to this practical knowledge.

The certification in Applied Biblical Psychology lays a foundation for understanding humans in perspective of biblical truth and gives tools from the study of humans for anyone to use in their personal life and relationships or for ministry and influence of those around them.

Cost: $30 each class session, 7 sessions for each course = $210 total per course

Time: One night a week for 2 hours and homework assignments

Location: Physical location varies and all courses are streamed online

Duration: Typical duration for completing the certificate is one year.

Email for information on the next training opportunity:



This course gives the biblical foundation for why people do what they do, preparing for future courses that will give tools for influencing healthy living. The course will review the biblical account of creation, the family institution, the impact of the fall of mankind, a brief history of the field of psychology in relation to Christianity, and the use of a biblical worldview in studying and influencing people for healthy living. Students will learn how truth from Scripture and God’s creation may be applied in a powerful way in our everyday lives.


This course gives a foundation of healthy human development from conception to the end of life, including what to expect in each stage of development in a lifespan, the variations that may occur and unhealthy reactions to the typical stages. The course relates the stages of human development with identifying ways to intervene and help people live healthy lives. This course builds on a biblical framework of God’s creation and design of humans, the impact of the fall of mankind and human potential through salvation in Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.


Students will receive a basic understanding of how the body and brain work in relation to physical, mental, and psychological health from the perspective of a biblical worldview. The interplay between biology, environment, and spirituality will be identified as well as how to have influence over all these systems in a manner that initiates healthy living.


Students will learn to recognize and understand the power of attitudes, persuasion tactics, group dynamics, social influence, interpersonal dynamics, aggression and pro-social behaviors from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Students will identify ways these topics are used in our society as a negative influence and ways to use these concepts to strategically impact relationships and society for healthy living and increasing the kingdom.


This course gives students skills in communication and leadership methods to positively influence people in their family, work, church, and society. Students will analyze common leadership styles and tools from a biblical perspective and apply leadership theory to roles in life, such as, parenting, work, ministry, with friends, and more. Students will learn decision-making skills, strategies to inspire and motivate others, and nonverbal and verbal communication skills. All skills will be related to areas the student has influence to be a leader.


This course will give students the basic skills to guide others to improve their life situations according to a biblical worldview. Students will learn the legal and ethical implications of various types of counseling, basic listening and intervention skills, the role and characteristics of a counselor, the risk of exploitation, and the skills of assessing and referring when appropriate.

Crisis Intervention

This course identifies common experiences in various crisis situations to improve understanding and empathy. Students learn general strategies to help in any crisis situation, as well as specific tools for identified crises, such as, suicide, domestic violence, addiction, trauma, abortion and more. Students will also compile a list of resources for the many different crisis situations and will practice contacting and referring people for further help.